June 25, 2013

Photos from the Second Annual
“Farm Bureau Salute to Idaho Veterans”
All photos © Jenny Losee
Jenny Losee Photography
Over 300 Idaho Veterans and their families attended the Second Annual “Farm Bureau Salute to Idaho Veterans” on Friday, November 9, at Farm Bureau’s Pocatello Home Offices. This special event was created to let our Veterans and active duty military personnel know that Farm Bureau deeply appreciates the sacrifices they have made to protect our liberties.
A meet and greet – complete with background music from the U.S. Army’s “America’s Corps Band” – kicked off the event. A traditional flag ceremony and posting of the colors presented by the Pocatello Veterans Honor Guard followed. Attending Veterans were then recognized as the Army band played their respective military branch hymns.
Next, winners of the “Second Annual Veterans Day Essay Contest” were announced. The winner of the 10th – 12th grade category and a $750 savings bond was Kelly Omodt from Sandpoint. Hailey Russell from Grangeville won the 7th – 9th grade category and a $500 savings bond, and Regan Chandler from Arco won the 1st – 6th grade category and a $250 savings bond. Chandler, joined by her mother Alicia and father Joseph, then took the stage to read the following excerpt from her essay. “I want to be in the military someday like my father was. I hope to be as courageous as him and make him proud of my accomplishments. I know my dad tells me every day he is proud of me but I want to be in the military to make him even prouder than he is. I am honored to be his daughter. Thank you for being my father. I love you Dad.”
The formal ceremonies then concluded with a keynote address from U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Reginald Reeves. A luncheon, ceremonial cake-cutting by Marine Silver Star recipient Sgt. Major Bill Head, a “Salute to Idaho Veterans” slideshow featuring submitted photos of Idaho Veterans taken during active duty and accompanied by the Army band followed. The event concluded with complimentary professional photos of each individual Veteran and the entire group taken next to the Farm Bureau “The Color Guard” eagle statue. As they left, Veterans were given a complimentary “Second Annual Farm Bureau Salute to Idaho Veterans” commemorative coin.
The “Farm Bureau Salute to Idaho Veterans” was developed with the assistance of the Pocatello Veterans Honor Guard and the Pocatello Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Committee.
Plans are already underway for the third annual “Salute to Idaho Veterans” in 2013.